Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yesterday, or "Day one" was a little weird. I was starving in the morning even though I usually don't eat a lot for breakfast. I went about my daily routine as usual- but I didn't have to work so I tried to keep myself busy by doing house chores and of course laundry (it rules my life). I did my work out and was really feeling good. There were a few times throughout the day where I did have to nibble on something because I started to feel nausea. I would grab a 100 calorie nut pack or a 70 calorie cheese snack, and carrots, even some rotisserie chicken. Something that was high protein, low in sugar and low carb (even though nuts are high in carb but good for you).

I was wondering if this was the normal effects for everyone because I was warned by one of my good friends that I would feel tired. I was tired a few times through out the day, but because I didn't have work I was able to sit for a minute and snap out of it. I'm sure that once I do work on Wednesday that I'll be starving and tired trying to keep up with the kids!

Another thought I had was that I just came back from vacation. We spent a week down in Corolla with Bryan's family where we ate some of the worst things (for your body/ calorie intake) you could think of. But we were on vacation... the calories don't count- do they? yikes! I'm not sure about anything counting but what I do know is that I sure did eat and drink a lot down there causing me to be even more hungry yesterday because I indulged way too much. I do know that.

What I learned is that no matter what you put in your body, it will effect you. Eating a ton of food all the time, for me, will eventually catch up to me and when I try to limit what I eat, I will struggle with it because of what I put myself through before. I promise myself now that I will think about everything I put into my body and will remember how hard it was yesterday not to indulge in unhealthy habits just because I was hungry.

Either way, I didn't cave yesterday- I stuck with juicing- didn't reach for any processed foods or starches and ate a healthy dinner with salad, Ahi Tuna and green beans.

I stepped on the scale today- I know, I know, you're not supposed to check everyday... But I am SUPER impatient when it comes to myself... Anyway, Yesterday paid off and I have already lost 3 pounds!! That right there along with how I felt when I woke up this morning makes this experience worth my while!

Today I am having lunch with a friend so this will be a bit of a challenge because no matter where we go, I'm going to want that "full" feeling. And I know that if i cheat and step on the scale tomorrow and I don't see a change then I'll feel guilt- which is NOT what I want to deal with.

Count down: 319 Days till wedding
Pounds lost: 3

Solution for day 2:

Swimming and walking for excersize

Juicing for Breakfast
Nut pack if needed

Salad with high protein for lunch

High protein for dinner

No Carbs

1 comment:

  1. Kristin I just wanted to say that I love you! I think you are going to kick some ass because I know you can. I wish we lived closer together because I could use a work out buddy! Keep it up and I know you will do great! And I added you to my blog list :)
